
Next Coffee Morning is Friday 17th January from 10-11:30AM.

Lunches served weekly on Sundays after 11am Worship service, all welcome to join

Sunday Morning 11am Worship

Wednesday 7.30pm Prayer & Bible Study in Church and online.

Communion Services occur on the first Sunday of the month during our Morning service (any changes will be announced in advance).

To join an online service or meeting contact zetlandevangelicalchurch@gmail.com
Church contact address – 01179831638 or zetlandevangelicalchurch@gmail.com
For any prayer requests please email: zecprayerrequests@gmail.com

May God bless us and our world – From the Leadership Piotr, John, Alistair.
We are a small, friendly congregation that is committed to studying God’s word and preaching the gospel. Our morning service is particularly designed to help those seeking to learn more about Jesus Christ. We look forward to meeting you!

Morning Worship at Zetland 11.00am Sundays
Here is a typical order of the service:
– Congregational singing of the great hymns of the faith.
– The children are included with a brief Bible comment.
– The reading from the Bible.
– The preacher leads in prayer.
– The young children go to Sunday School.
– The preacher will present the sermon from the Bible.
– A concluding hymn of worship.

The service normally lasts about an hour.

Tea & coffee is served after the service (every week except the 1st Sunday of a month where we have a fancy Church lunch) to encourage fellowship.