Sunday 11.00 am (In the church building & online for those who cannot attend).
These meetings usually begin with a short reading from the Bible, or a prayer, followed by a hymn of praise. After brief notices there is usually a longer reading from the Bible, another hymn and a prayer. Following a third hymn, a sermon explains the reading and applies it to those present. The meeting is then closed with a final hymn and prayer.
If you are not a Christian, you are welcome simply to observe the service; you do not need to join in with the singing and you do not need to say “Amen” at the end of the prayers. At the end of the service, you are welcome to ask anyone any questions you have.
All children are invited to come to our Sunday School (and crèche) which takes place during the sermon.
To join a service remotely contact
A list of forthcoming preachers is shown on our church calendar.