We are an independent church that is committed to the Reformed, Evangelical faith.
As an independent church, we believe that no outside body has any authority in the affairs of the church. As an Evangelical church, we believe that the Scriptures are the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. As a Reformed church, we believe that doctrines of grace expressed in the 1646 Westminster Confession of Faith and the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith are in agreement with Scripture.
We believe that each local church should be governed by elders and deacons. We currently have two elders: Alistair Montgomery and Eddie O’Brien, and two deacons: John Mackay and Piotr Mackiewich.
Church membership is open to all who give evidence of the new birth and are willing to submit to the authority of Christ as expressed in His Word. Baptism is by immersion and is for all who have come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
An annual church meeting is held to report on the activities of the church and to present the annual accounts. Elders and deacons’ meetings are held on a monthly basis.