Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Meeting (25.10.23)
Our Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer meeting this week will be Online due to it being half term.If you’d like to join please email zetlandevangelicalchurch@gmail.com for online details.
Games Morning+ – Saturday 16.09.23
On Saturday 16th September 2023 from 10am to midday (12 noon) we will be have a games morning with a selection of refreshments throughout. The games will be a variety of different board games, card games and other similar games. Anyone is welcome even if you don’t fancy playing a game as this will also…
Extra Church Lunches
We will now be servering a lunch at our Church most Sundays. We will continue to have the main Church Lunch on the 1st Sunday of the month but on the others we will have a light snacky lunch for those who would like to come along.