This month’s Community activity is …

We have a carol service at 4pm on Sunday 22nd December to which everyone is welcome to join it will be in-person and online.
Refreshments afterwards
We have a carol service at 4pm on Sunday 17th December to which everyone is welcome to join it will be in-person and online.
Refreshments afterwards
Everyone is welcome to come along for an all Age Art Morning including refreshments.
For more details please contact us using the social icons.
In the early hours on Sunday (29th October 2023) morning the clocks will be going back an hour.
On Saturday 16th September 2023 from 10am to midday (12 noon) we will be have a games morning with a selection of refreshments throughout.
The games will be a variety of different board games, card games and other similar games.
Anyone is welcome even if you don’t fancy playing a game as this will also be a chance for a chat with other people.
We will now be servering a lunch at our Church most Sundays. We will continue to have the main Church Lunch on the 1st Sunday of the month but on the others we will have a light snacky lunch for those who would like to come along.
There was a glitch with the sound and video image (due to network) during the livestream but the service is still able to be heared and can be viewed below: